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Poison Ivy Removal...
We Use the time tested method Of Hand Pulling. The best thing about hand pulling, is that, it is completely Organic to the environment. Unlike those nasty chemicals, that-lets face it, Don't even work and wreak havoc on your endocrine systems and the Health of everything from soil, worms, ground water to Humans! 
Poison Ivy Info....
-Scientific name:
Toxicodendron radicans
-Is a Flowering poisonous plant.
- Urushiol, a clear liquid compound in the plant's sap that is responsible for allergic reactions (contact dermatitis) including an itchy, irritating, and sometimes painful rash. 
-NEVER burn Poison Ivy as the urushiol will become air borne  getting into your lungs, eyes and nose.
-Poison Ivy isn't a true ivy, but rather a member of the cashew and pistachio 
-Commonly eaten by many animals, and the seeds are consumed by birds. Which they drop and the new plant grows. Joy.
-Poison ivy comes in 3
varieties. Shrub, climbing and trailing vines.
-Urushiol can remain on objects for several years.
-Pets can touch the plant and transfer the oil to you.
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